When your child whines.

As the weekend approaches, remember: Connect with YOURSELF first. THEN connect with the others in your family.


Commit to giving yourself the support and love that you need everyday to be able to be a connected parent. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

There’s many ways to do this, but 💫1 quick tip 💫is: monitor YOUR mood & acknowledge your feelings. Don’t shove them down, see them & feel them. This doesn’t mean ACT on them. But don’t ignore them. ALSO- Know that your feelings comes from your thoughts, so question your thoughts if you want to. You’re allowed to choose thoughts that serve you & make you happy! This is an art and a valuable skill!


So for example you have a whiney child. You feel angry because of the sound & also- didn’t they just whine?? Before even addressing the child quickly PAUSE & go into your body. FEEL and say to yourself what you are feeling and thinking.


“She’s whining and I’m irritated. I feel it in my head and I want to a scream. I worry that she will whine forever.

I’m simply just triggered, nothing has gone wrong and there is no emergency. I’m going to take three deep breathes and find a thought that better serves me.” ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Close your eyes if you need to. You can do all this quickly AND while your child whines. Address YOU first.

So what’s an alternate thought?

First- what thought are you thinking? Is it true?

Do you want to keep that thought or do you want a new thought?


Let’s say the thought is “whining again? I can’t handle this! So annoying!!!”


New thought ➡️: “kids whine and this is a kid. It will be great once her vocabulary is more developed and she can say things with less whining but until then I can model it to her. That’s why I’m the mom! Nothing has gone wrong here, there is no panic, I’ve got this!”


Then parent the child in a way that aligns with your values and style/techniques, but you’ll be parenting intentionally not reactively. It will feel MUCH better.


Does this tidbit help? More on any of this? I have lots to share!

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